Talking calculators, abaci, Braille rulers, and measuring tapes. Plus, essentials for students in geometry class.
"There are three kinds of people in the world, you know ... those who can count and those who can't."
16 products on this shelf.
Large Buttons and Display, Built-In Alarm Clock
Item Number: 1042
Used in Schools when Calculators Aren't Allowed
Item Number: 1044
$9.95 Available Sizes: Compact, or Large
Join Two Abaci Together for Longer Equations
Item Number: 1045
Includes Two Math Abaci and an Abacus Coupler
Item Number: 1046
Shows Equations up to 12 Times 12
Item Number: 1047
Plastic Tray and Numbers to Lay Out Math Problems
Item Number: 1131
25-Piece Kit for Learning - Manipulating Fractions
Item Number: 1499
7-Piece Classroom Set to Measure and Draw Angles
Item Number: 1054
1/2-Inch Raised Squares for Accessible Graphing
Item Number: 1048
$13.95 for 25 Sheets (Larger Package Available for Better Price)
Make Every Row, Column and Diagonal Add Up to 15
Item Number: 1533
Pocket-Sized Brain-Teaser Puzzle, Clips to Keyring
Item Number: 1472
Classic Sliding Puzzle, Arrange Numbers in Order
Item Number: 1471
Plastic 12-Inch Ruler with Markings Every 1/8 Inch
Item Number: 1049
Flexible Plastic Ruler, Print and Braille Numbers
Item Number: 1050
Measure Anything to the Nearest 1/16th of an Inch
Item Number: 1421
5-Foot Nylon Tape Marked with Sturdy Metal Buttons
Item Number: 1052
Temporarily out of stock. Usually ships in Late March.
Metal Tape Measure Announces Reading in Male Voice
Item Number: 1053
Temporarily out of stock. Usually ships in Late February.
Speaking Tape Measure, Spirit Level and Clinometer
Item Number: 1328